Reserach Team

Billy St John

Billy is an accomplished music educator with over a decade of experience leading independent schools in Zimbabwe, specialising in piano, choir, jazz, and wind band. After returning to South Australia in 2019, he enrolled in a Bachelor of Music Education and Pedagogy degree at The University of Adelaide's Elder Conservatory. In 2023, Billy will complete an Honours degree in Music Education and a Master of Applied Learning and Teaching (Secondary Music) degree. His focus is now on Music Education Research in the areas of World Music, Multi-Level Arrangements for School Bands and Orchestra and Applied Learning in music subjects. 
Bright, the Founder and Director of Savanna Heritage and Tourism Consultancy, holds a BA Honours degree in Archaeology, Cultural Heritage Management and Museum Studies from Midlands State University in Zimbabwe, as well as a Master of Arts in Archaeology from the same institution. In addition to being a passionate archaeologist, cultural heritage practitioner, guide, environment activist, travel blogger, and museum curator, Bright has extensive experience in managing heritage and tourism facilities. He possesses in-depth knowledge and expertise in archaeological tourism development, museum operations, and the drafting and implementation of tourism development plans. Bright is affiliated with the Zimbabwe Association of Professional Archaeologists and Related Disciplines (ZAPAD) and the Association of Southern Africa Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA).

Bright Mutyandaedza  

Special Thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people who have contributed to the creation of this teaching resource. Your knowledge, skills, and advice have been invaluable.

I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such talented and dedicated people. Your passion for music and your commitment to sharing it with others is inspiring. I have learned so much from you, and I am a better person for having known you. Your warmth, hospitality, and generosity have made me feel welcome from the moment I arrived.

Zimbabwe has a rich and vibrant music tradition, and I am honoured to have been able to learn more about it through this project. 

I hope that this teaching resource will help to share the beauty of Zimbabwean music with a wider audience. Thank you again for your support.