Isu Tauya Pano

Isu Tauya Pano

We have gathered here

Childrens Play Song

Shona Lyrics

Isu tauya pano,

Dai tauya tose,

Dai tirivazhinji,

Nhasi taionana.


Direct Translation

We are here

I wish we were all together,

May we be many,

Today we met.


Pronunciation Guide

Esoo-tao-yah pah-noh

Die tao-yah, toh-seh

Die tee-ree-vah-shin-jee

Nhah-see thai-o-nah-nah



Play Song Instructions

Learning the song:

Children sit in a circle with legs crossed. The teacher will sing each four-beat phrase and the class will repeat.

Leader: Isu tau-ya pa-no

Response: Isu tau-ya pa-no

When the children have learnt the song, sing it without repeating.


Easy Game: (for all games, see the rhythms below the melody line)

While sitting in the circle, students un-cross their legs and put them out in front of them with a space to pat the floor in front of them (angle feet out so they are slightly touching the person’s next to you). Turn slightly to your left and pat the floor either side of your leg four times using flat hands. Then the same on the right side. The children should be able to sing the song and tap the pulse of the song.






Intermediate Game:

Using the same actions, this time, pat to the left on beat 1, right on beat 2, and on the floor in front of you three times.

Left, Right, and in front

Left, Right, and in front

Left, Right, and in front

Left, Right, and in front



Adding onto the Intermediate Game, we can now add a clap in-between.

Left (Clap), Right (Clap), and in front (Clap)*

Left (Clap), Right (Clap), and in front (Clap)*

Left (Clap), Right (Clap), and in front (Clap)*

Left (Clap), Right (Clap), and in front (Clap)*

* the last clap is optional


In all games, the tempo should increase, and if a student makes a mistake, they are out of the game.

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