Mawere Kongoya


This song speaks to the rain spirits and tells of the crops of vegetables which have all ripened. The baboons come down from the mountain to feed on the new harvest. At the end of the day, after they have eaten well, the baboons walk back up the mountain in style (kongonya, - how the baboons walk) with a swagger in the step. So, the song expresses and requests for good rain that will provide a harvest to enable them to feed both their livestock and the wild animals.

English Translation


The baboon has climbed up the cliff in style Don't ignore the dark brow ridges they have


Climbed up the cliff in style

Shona Lyrics


Gudo rakwira mawere kongonya 

Gudo rakwira mawere kongonya 

Usaone mahobi kusviba

Response: Ayee mawere kongonya

Pronunciation Guide

Goo-doh, rah-kwi-rah, mah-weh-reh, kon-gon-yah 

U-sah-on-neh, mah-on-nee, kush-vee-bah

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Mawere Kongonya Lead Sheet - Pic2.pdf

This arrangement is inspired and adapted by the late great Andy Brown and The Storm. It is an upbeat and exciting modern version that includes a brass and rhythm section. This bridging of a traditional song into a modern style breathes new life into this timeless folklore about being grateful for the fruits of their labour.

Gudo Rakwira Mawere Kongonya - Full Score.pdf