Manhanga Kutapira


Manhanga Kutapira is a folk song that represents the farming life in Zimbabwe. The meaning of the song highlights the enjoyment for the fruits of hard work. The people within the farming communities have a tendency to work hard, so they sing this song to enjoy the end results of their activities. It was usually sung after a prosperous harvest. In recent times, this song is used for celebrations and is accompanied by marimbas and drum kit. This is a fun joyful song and can be explored and arranged in many ways: solo lines, backing figures only, intrumental, teachers should feel free and allow the music to form in its own ways.

English Translatoin

Leader: Come and see the sweetness of pumpkins

Response: Come and see the sweetness

Shona Lyrics

Leader: Huya uone kutapira, Kunoita manhanga

Response: Aaah uone kutapira

Pronunciation Guide

Leader: Who-yah, oo-oh-neh, koo-tah-pee-rah, Koo-noi-tah, mah-nah-ngah
Response: Aa-ahh, oo-oh-neh, koo-tah-pee-rah  

Home Songs Page

Manhanga Lead Sheet - Full Score.pdf